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UnsraW? - Pagina 11 Empty Re: UnsraW?

Bericht van Sadistic Desire zo nov 21, 2010 10:36 pm

Juh. XD Hele fucking end terug naar Venray om een kaartje op te halen :')
Sadistic Desire
Sadistic Desire

Aantal berichten : 395
Registratiedatum : 02-06-10
Woonplaats : Belgium

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UnsraW? - Pagina 11 Empty Re: UnsraW?

Bericht van Sake-chan ma nov 22, 2010 1:26 am

Maar we hadden t over UnsraW yes yes? xD



Aantal berichten : 2196
Registratiedatum : 03-06-10
Leeftijd : 32
Woonplaats : Lisse

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UnsraW? - Pagina 11 Empty Re: UnsraW?

Bericht van Sadistic Desire za nov 27, 2010 3:37 pm

1. Ik was mijn ticket niet vergeten. : D
2. Margot was mijn kleren niet vergeten. : D
3. Yuuki kon toch mijn BH nog zien. D:

MAAR het was wel fucking awesome :3
(En The Fool zijn eigenlijk best cool XD)
Sadistic Desire
Sadistic Desire

Aantal berichten : 395
Registratiedatum : 02-06-10
Woonplaats : Belgium

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UnsraW? - Pagina 11 Empty Re: UnsraW?

Bericht van Gizorz za nov 27, 2010 9:29 pm

Dus, het was echt helemaal totaal fucking awesome. Zowel Berlijn als Lessines 8D

Helaas Karma en Rose of Sorrow niet gespeeld maar daarentegen wel gewoon weer Warai oni en BLACK OUT en nog 3 nieuwe nummers! Very Happy WINE was epic, -509- ook heel tof en die andere is me niet echt bijgebleven tbh :p

Madoka is... speciaal Razz <3 Yuuki is nog steeds een vieze man en Tetsu nu ook, Shou blijft altijd even happy en Jin moet echt dwangmatig gevoerd worden ofzo.

Ik heb een review uitgetypt maar die staat op de Unsraw com @ LJ en die is dus members only maar die zal ik hier wel neer zetten als ik ook iets over Belgie geschreven heb ^^

De setlist voor Lessines (en volgens mij was in Berlijn Sora ipv Enshoku no Yume):

Starving Moon
Gate of Death
Enshoku no Yume

Warai oni

Aantal berichten : 611
Registratiedatum : 24-05-10
Leeftijd : 33
Woonplaats : Over the rainbow

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UnsraW? - Pagina 11 Empty Re: UnsraW?

Bericht van Sake-chan za nov 27, 2010 10:57 pm



Weet je nog dat ik ooit zo een review zo begon met, liek als conclusie; DIT WAS T BESTE concert van mijn leven?



(dus het gaat over het België concert in Lessines uiteraard)

Want hoe begon het?
Ten eerste ging het ov in België gewoon op tijd, wat er ook gebeurd. Ook al moet je de trein echt inklimmen en breek je bijna je rug terwijl je dat doet.

Ten tweede, Belgen bieden je een fatsoenlijk hostel aan met schone kamers etc. op minder dan 200 meter van het station voor €10. En vinden het geen probleem dat je vooraf betaald en alweer om 5 uur vertrekt.

Ten derde, Belgen helpen buitenlanders als ze last hebben van een kaartjesautomaat, en wijzen je vriendelijk de weg naar de venue als je het even niet weet, ook al is het half 6 `s ochtends.

Na een awesome staaltje kaartlezen van Giz vonden we de venue uiteindelijk. En het was gewoon een ffing cultureel centrum/school/gymzaal/wtf gebouw O_O

...Ten vierde, Belgen laten je gewoon de venue binnen als ze je koukleumend op de stoep aantreffen *_*
Als in, we zaten nog nauwelijks een halfuurtje toen er een auto stopte, en een dame van het culturele centrum ons verbaasd aankeek, en ons vervolgens binnenliet in de zaal met t podium en ons voorzag van koffie en thee O_O. *oh vriendelijkheid! TuT*

Naarmate de dag vorderde druppelden meer fans binnen, en alles werd fatsoenlijk genummerd etc, totaal geen drama.
(ten vijfde, Belgische fans denken precies zoals wij!8D)

Toen de bands arriveerden moesten we echter weer buiten gaan zitten. Maar dat vonden we niet erg, want we hadden iig geen hele dag in de koude buitenlucht gezeten.

Het duurde echt een eeeeeuwigheid voor we werden binnenlaten, dus gingen we maar rare gezichten trekken naar staff en bandleden die random langsliepen. En ook naar een jongen van de staff in een streepjestrui, die naarmate de tijd vorderde steeds uitbundiger naar ons terugzwaaide. 8D

Toen t tijd werd om binnengelaten te worden ging iedereen keurig op nummer staan, en mochten we alvast binnengelaten worden.
Nog niet de zaal in, maar je kon wel alvast de nodige merch inslaan.
Streepjestrui stond voor de deur ons allemaal heel stern aan te kijken ineens, en was alleen met een zeer effectieve "je moeder" van Melis en een daaropvolgende schaterbui weer aant lachen te krijgen ;D.

Naja, en toen mochten we dus toch naar binnen. Er stond gelukkig een hek voort podium, dan had je nog enigzins houvast (en kon je je ervan verzekeren dat je in niemands kruis ging lopen headbangen =.=)

Eerst kwam het FAIL! voorprogramma genaamd Guren. Waarover ik hier verder geen woorden ga vuilmaken.
Ze werden ook eerder afgebroken x'D. Dat was best grappig 83;;
Toen had the fool gelegenheid om te laten zien hoe je zoiets WEL doet, ondanks dat Gunji een keiharde jetlag had.

En toen begon eindelijk het UnsraW gedeelte.
Als ik een eerste indruk moet geven, dan was dat MUUR VAN GELUID! Het leek alsof naarmate de avond vorderde met elke nieuwe artiest de volumeknop ^2 werd opengedraaid ><. En ik was mijn oordopjes vergeten 8D;;

De stemming zat er meteen al lekker in, de hele zaal ging loos, en Yuuki besloot de zaal vast goed te trakteren op water. xD;;
Een paar nadelen...
1. Ik stond er recht voor (in t voorprogramma werdk steeds meer naart midden geduwt! D:)
2. Ik had een witte blouse aan 83;;

De security had er ook een enorme dobber aan om ze een beetje binnen de perken te houden; als in, iedere keer moesten ze tussen de hekken en het podium gaan staan om die hekken weer terug de zaal in te duwen, want mysterieus genoeg bewogen die hekken steeds maar weer dichter naar het podium XD..

Nog mooier was toen Yuuki, Madoka en Tetsu gingen "harken." Ze grepen de hand van een fan die liek 5de rij stonden en dan hard aan trekken, en dan komt t hek vanzelf wel weer naar voren 8D;;.

En als de concentratie fans dan maar hoog genoeg is, toch gaan stagediven ondanks dat het 5 rijtjes dik staat 8D;;

Ik kreeg Yuuki's reet 3!!! keer in m'n smoel TAT! En Madoka ook éen keertje. T_T
MAar klapstuk was toch wel, toen Yuuki op z'n rug aan het stagediven was, en ik dacht, ik trek aan z'n been, waarna hij op zijn reet op het podium kwam met mijn hoofd ertussen TTuTT;;; (want dat hek stond toen inmiddels daar alweer tegenaan).
Kwas ook niet zo gecharmeerd van t feit dattie op een gegeven moment door z'n broek heen een soort van begon te fappen D: (VIEZEMAN!)

De zaal was echt idioot, iedereen was aan het headbangen en schreeuwen/grunten etc. En Mahou en Melis riepen natuurlijk keihard "BROCOLI!!" toen Yuuki wederom eens vroeg of we hem wilden bellen XD;;. Inmiddels was iedereen al lekker schor, dus er waren een paar mooie "YUUKIhh" grunts te horen.

Door de live heen hield Jin zich toch wat afzijdiger dan de rest. T leek meer alsof hij een gezellig theekransje met Sho had dan een live zat te doen. (die laatste kreeg ook zát aandacht trouwens op momenten dat het even stil was.)
Later kwam Jin gelukkig toch nog wel een beetje naar voren en ging nog een beetje int publiek leunen.

Ondertussen had Giz ergens r onderbroek naar Madoka gepleurd, die hem vervolgens op z'n hoofd had gezet, voor een hele lange tijd naar het schijnt, maar ik heb het om de een of andere reden totaal gemist TuT...

En Tetsu... Compenseerde daar waar het Jin aan ontbrak deze keer. Met zo'n "oh yeah, I am the man" gevoel soortvan xD;;.

Enige bezwaar aan de setlist: GEEN KARMA TTATT!!!
Maar wel Black Out en Warai Oni als encore 8D.
Geen FLAUW idee HOEVEEl flesjes water welniet er doorheen gingen. Want ineens waren ze allemaal aan het pleuren (Madoka zelfs met een random glas bier, wut).
En omdat Yuuki schat viezeman nog steeds business met me had ofzo leek het alsof ik onder een douche had gestaan aan het einde... =_=''

En toen... had ik een gevecht met twee duitse trollen om een drumstokje van Sho 8D. (echt verbazingwekkend hoe goed je ineens Duits spreekt met een flinke stoot adrenaline in je lijf!)
Uiteindelijk toch maar opgegeven, omdat Melis wat sense in me praatte u.u. Maar het was wel HEEERLIJK om dat ding maar niet los te laten terwijl twee van die koeien hysterisch aan je liepen te sleuren terwijl ze al krabbend maar bleven roepen hoeveel meer RECHT zij er wel niet op hadden. [/fanatisme >D]

Dus nu heb ik een sneetje boven mijn linker oog. 8D Ik voel me helemaal veteraan. en de volgende keer laat ik meteen wel los denk ik.. =_=

...Naja. En toen was het tijd voor DE SIGNING!!
We gingen allemaal keurig in de rij staan met onze presentjes die we voor iedereen hadden meegenomen. Van een vlag was het niet gekomen, maar op de achterkant van het awesome glitternummerbord staat "ORANDA kara, -xxx- KLOE, + de rest van de mensen die mee waren. 8D

Yuuki was toch een beetje zo van "o, sorry :3" toen ie voelde hoe nat m'n haar en m'n shirt waren (want hij vraagt met zijn handen ofzo wut =.=). Maar hij kon lekker NIETS zien want ik droeg er nog een wit topje onder, MUAHAHAHA! COCKBLOCKED!
En Madoka was ook liek... O.o nat meisje!
En ik was liek.... TTuTT;; want ik had nog een nacht in de vrieskou int vooruitzicht D:.
Maar ik had het toch wel leuk (zwak uitgedrukt!) gehad.

Tetsu was wel blij met t nummerbord! Hopelijk post ie r wat over op z'n ameba. En Melis heeft m laten beloven dat ze terugkomen naar Nederland! >D. Jin heeft chocolade letters en stuff gekregen van Margot, en Sho z'n muts van Melis. En Gis zorgde voor de distributie van de chocoladesigaretten >D.

Nadat we alles hadden laten signeren wilden we niet weg, want dan zou het voorbij zijn.
Toen er een einde was gekomen aan de rij voor signing, gingen Melissa en Margot (op initiatief van de eerste) samen toch nog even naar Yuuki, om te vragen of ze een foto mochten maken van hem en Margots Snorlax. Wat gebeurde. 8D En ook met MArgot er nog bij.
En toen ging iedereen nog maar even op de foto met de bandmembers 8D (though ik niet, want ik ging mijn natte zooi uittrekken... [daar heb ik nu best wel spijt van eigenlijk xD;;]).

Uiteindelijk was de signing dan toch afgelopen, en gingen we de band nog even een beetje uitzwaaien. Yuuki had een een of ander EPIC T-shirt aan dattie van een fan had gekregen, waarop zijn eigen foto en de tekst "SHOW ME YOUR BOOBS" stond x'D.
Wie het ook was, BRILJANT!! <3

En na een sigaretje ging iedereen dan toch dat krappe busje weer in, en gingen ze weer weg.
En wij... bleven achter in het culturele centrum met nog een paar andere meiden, diezelfde Franse fans waar we aan het begin van de dag een beetje mee gesocialised hadden.
Vroeg éen van die venue members waar we zouden slapen vannacht.
(komt nu het volgende awesome! ding aan Belgen)

Nou, de straat, zeiden wij. Nou, dat hoefde niet, want we mochten ook wel hier in de venue slapen.


TuT <3 ik geloof dat ik al gezegd heb hoezeer ik van Belgen hou hè?
Dus eerst gingen we even stoelen opruimen (waarbij ineens bij verrassing, Madoka weer binnenliep want hij was iets vergeten! [vermoedelijk zijn oplader, want dat stond op zijn ameba vandaag, hij is m ergens kwijtgeraakt, maar heeft m niet gevonden D:])
..En er waren liek posters over. Dus die mochten we wel meenemen 8D! (waarde €10 gratis en voor nop 8D!!)

Guren was er om de éen of andere reden ook nog. De fail. Maar ze hadden wel enigzins interactie met de Franse fans, dus dat was leuk I guess.

Aangenaamheid aan Belgen nummer veel: we mochten al het eten opeten dat de artiesten niet opgegeten hadden. Dus we hadden liek fruit, pasta met pesto, vlees, shizzle brood je kon t zo gek niet bedenken! O_O;;
TTuTT <3 DAar hadden velen van ons wel behoefte aan.

Uiteindelijk zijn we op podiumdelen gaan slapen. (en ik hoorde de volgende ochtend dat ik schijnbaar was uitgelachen door Guren omdat ik erbij lag alsof ik knock-out was gegaan (ik sliep als eerste =.=)). maar die hadk ook keihard uitgelachen bij t voorprogramma.

We hadden verkeerde informatie over de trein D:! Dus we stonden al om 5 uur opt station terwijl de eerste trein pas om 6.40 ging D:.
Dat was wel ff koud. En we waren nogal cranky van al het slaaptekort.
Maar ons goede hemeur keerde wel weer terug naarmate we dichter bij Nederland kwamen, en ieder ging zijn eigen weg bij Tilburg, en ik splitste van Margot en Melis in Leiden.

En toen zat ik diezelfde avond achter de computer dit allemaal op te schrijven! 8D...
Het voelt alsof ik twee hele dagen heb doorgehaald. HEel gek.

O, en dit was natuurlijk weer veeeeeel en veeeeeeeeeels te lang. Naja, hopelijk heb ik jullie niet verveeld 8D;;.

Hopelijk komt er ook nog een lange van Berlijn <3!


Aantal berichten : 2196
Registratiedatum : 03-06-10
Leeftijd : 32
Woonplaats : Lisse

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UnsraW? - Pagina 11 Empty Re: UnsraW?

Bericht van Margot_Kasumi za nov 27, 2010 11:32 pm

"om te vragen of ze een foto mochten maken van hem en Margots Snorlax. Wat gebeurde. 8D En ook met MArgot er nog bij. "

Eigenlijk.. wou ik (na snorlax) gewoon alleen met Yuuki op de foto maar de Vieze Man trok snorlax gwn tussen mn benen vandaan w(-_-) xDDD

Maar OMG het was zo epic hea 8DDDD
UnsraW ís gewoon epic 8D
Ik hou van ze <3
Ai no Banana
Ai no Banana

Aantal berichten : 533
Registratiedatum : 02-06-10
Leeftijd : 32
Woonplaats : Leiden

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UnsraW? - Pagina 11 Empty Re: UnsraW?

Bericht van wonderdolly zo nov 28, 2010 12:07 am

helemaal niet te lange review, allemaal belangrijke informatie dit XD
Sexual Fighter
Sexual Fighter

Aantal berichten : 91
Registratiedatum : 02-06-10
Leeftijd : 32
Woonplaats : Wieringerwerf

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UnsraW? - Pagina 11 Empty Re: UnsraW?

Bericht van Sadistic Desire zo nov 28, 2010 12:55 pm

Ik heb maar 1 ding toe te voegen.

Ohja, en UnsraW hebben mijn Genki boek gesigneerd :")
Sadistic Desire
Sadistic Desire

Aantal berichten : 395
Registratiedatum : 02-06-10
Woonplaats : Belgium

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UnsraW? - Pagina 11 Empty Re: UnsraW?

Bericht van Sake-chan zo nov 28, 2010 2:31 pm


ZO epic ;u;

En ik vond het ook superleuk om jou weer te zien Yamey 8D!! (liek, onze kleine expeditie naar de kleuterschool x'D)

Aantal berichten : 2196
Registratiedatum : 03-06-10
Leeftijd : 32
Woonplaats : Lisse

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UnsraW? - Pagina 11 Empty Re: UnsraW?

Bericht van xLauz zo nov 28, 2010 3:49 pm

Aww supercoole review en alles en T__T
Maar wow, dat wachten & slapen in die zaal en alles, echt super aardig o.O
En guren klinkt idd best fail :'))

wah hopelijk mag k als k achttien ben ook ineen hostel overnachten en alles T_T
Ai no Banana
Ai no Banana

Aantal berichten : 616
Registratiedatum : 03-10-10
Leeftijd : 31

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UnsraW? - Pagina 11 Empty Re: UnsraW?

Bericht van Gizorz zo nov 28, 2010 4:34 pm

Het hek kwam niet alleen naar voren door het mensen naar voren sleuren hoor :p Yuuki/Madoka grepen ook gewoon dat hek beet en rukten het naar voren xD

Ik moest proberen die onderbroek aan Madoka te geven, maar die gast spacete hem zo hard dat ik vreesde dat als ik hem zou gooien hij hem niet eens zou zien xD De microfoon kon ik niet bij en om het nou aan zijn gitaar te hangen vond ik ook maar niks :') Dus toen ie ineens op zijn rug lag met zijn poten in de lucht (wtf waarom?) heb ik hem maar om zijn been gehangen XD Hij heeft er even vrolijk mee liggen/daarna staan zwaaien met dat ding om zijn voet, toen heeft Yamey hem nog maar even aangegeven en zette ie hem op zijn hoofd xD Daarna heeft ie hem braaf weggelegd en kreeg ik als dank een plectrum 8D

Tijdens de signing haalde ie hem ineens weer tevoorschijn en ging hij hem met Yuuki en Tetsu samen nog eens even fatsoenlijk lezen.
En omg ze gingen stuk man, toen ze de voorkant zagen:
1 yen(of madoka, want zo schrijf je zijn naam)/ uur

Madoka en Yuuki hysterisch op die tafel slaan/klappen, testu op de achtergrond een beetje gniffelen. Toen draaiden ze hem om en zagen ze het ongelukkig geplaatste aishiteru en doubutsu staan waardoor het leek alsof er "aishiteru doubutsu" stond en keek Madoka er even heel raar na en vroeg Tetsu Margot om uitleg.

Aantal berichten : 611
Registratiedatum : 24-05-10
Leeftijd : 33
Woonplaats : Over the rainbow

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UnsraW? - Pagina 11 Empty Re: UnsraW?

Bericht van Dewdrop zo nov 28, 2010 6:55 pm

Waaah het klinkt zo awesome 8D Ik ben wel echt blij voor jullie dat jullie binnen konden slapen, was er stiekem wel een beetje bezorgt over!

Aantal berichten : 1624
Registratiedatum : 04-06-10
Leeftijd : 32
Woonplaats : Amstelveen

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UnsraW? - Pagina 11 Empty Re: UnsraW?

Bericht van 16bitHERO ma nov 29, 2010 2:36 pm

Oh god die onderbroek. :''''') Geniaal.

Aantal berichten : 230
Registratiedatum : 24-05-10
Leeftijd : 33
Woonplaats : Vlissingen T_T

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UnsraW? - Pagina 11 Empty Re: UnsraW?

Bericht van Margot_Kasumi ma nov 29, 2010 4:04 pm

Onze onderbroek rockte wel 8D
Alhoewel geen enkele ooit nog de reactie van Anli kan overtreffen natuurlijk xD
Maar dit was wel de 1 na leukste reactie denk ik maar zo xDD
(vorige keer lazen ze hem niet dus ja xD)
Ai no Banana
Ai no Banana

Aantal berichten : 533
Registratiedatum : 02-06-10
Leeftijd : 32
Woonplaats : Leiden

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UnsraW? - Pagina 11 Empty Re: UnsraW?

Bericht van Dewdrop ma nov 29, 2010 11:55 pm

Nee toen hupte Yuuki ermee rond alsof ie een konijntje was.... O_o; Toen heb ik dat ding nog half in zijn aars geduwd xD

Aantal berichten : 1624
Registratiedatum : 04-06-10
Leeftijd : 32
Woonplaats : Amstelveen

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UnsraW? - Pagina 11 Empty Re: UnsraW?

Bericht van Gizorz di nov 30, 2010 12:33 am

Haahahaha xDD
Dat was wel echt episch grappig xDD Toen je em in zn kont had geduwd xD
Toen kwam ik echt niet meer bij xD
jammer dattie niet meer zo'n enorme kont heeft |D

Aantal berichten : 611
Registratiedatum : 24-05-10
Leeftijd : 33
Woonplaats : Over the rainbow

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Bericht van Gizorz di nov 30, 2010 12:37 am

Toen was ik nog ingelogd op Giz dr account :'DDD
Dat was Margot dus die reageerde xDD
En dit ook 8D
Sorry Giz xDD

Aantal berichten : 611
Registratiedatum : 24-05-10
Leeftijd : 33
Woonplaats : Over the rainbow

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UnsraW? - Pagina 11 Empty Re: UnsraW?

Bericht van Sake-chan di nov 30, 2010 12:44 pm

Geen zorgen Margot, z'n kont is nog steeds enorm zat :')

Dat had ik echt willen zien, toen je dat ding in z'n reet duwde! (maar toen ging ik niet en kreeg ik eeuwig spijt :'D)

Aantal berichten : 2196
Registratiedatum : 03-06-10
Leeftijd : 32
Woonplaats : Lisse

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UnsraW? - Pagina 11 Empty Re: UnsraW?

Bericht van Dewdrop di nov 30, 2010 1:44 pm

Omgosh margot, en verkeerde account en dubbelposten...booh xD
Ach, hij vond het vast wel lekker xD

Aantal berichten : 1624
Registratiedatum : 04-06-10
Leeftijd : 32
Woonplaats : Amstelveen

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UnsraW? - Pagina 11 Empty Concertreports Berlin + Lessines

Bericht van Karisu do dec 02, 2010 12:25 am

UNFxxingSRAW Concertreports 2010

23-11 Berlin, Club Magnet

Our quest began on the day before, when we, being two friends and myself, took an evening-flight from Amsterdam to Berlin-Schonefeld airport. It had been a while since I had flown so I was really excited, even more about the adventure still awaiting us in that major city. The fact we never got to see a lot of it was yet unknown, but I don’t regret it too much. After finding our way further into the city by train and U-bahn, we located our hostel, barely a 3minute walk from the venue! So, we decided to take a look at the club first, and were amazed when we saw there was a small group of 5 people camping in front of it. Well, we weren’t crazy enough to camp there too, so we went to our hostel, being able to turn in early in a comfortable, warm bed. I thought about the people outside and felt sorry for them, but it was their own choice…

We were crazy enough to get up ridiculously early: 4 am! While my friends took a shower I merely slipped into my many layers of clothes, yawning constantly, knowing I’d head back to the hostel later after we had secured a spot for ourselves. We stepped outside in the darkness, shielding ourselves from the cold wind. It had to be near the freezing-point. When we arrived at the club, we were the first ones after the people still sleeping there. Out of joy, the cold and lingering tiredness we got a little hyperactive, discussing about the day and the band aloud. We kept this up for quite a while as the hours passed, but no new people showed up. We thought it was strange, because usually quite a few people show up very early. This time though, only at 8 am did another girl join the cue. Our brilliant plan of arriving ‘early enough’ was pretty foiled, but we never lost our bright mood!

We got ourselves through the day quite well, even though it was amazingly cold. Short visits to the hostel and surrounding bakeries were a very welcome opportunity to warm ourselves a bit. The mainly German fans surrounding us as the day passed and the line grew a little were rather kind. We remained the only Dutch people there, which was quite convenient for being able to freely talk with no one else overhearing you. The fact we had taken to ‘interesting’ Dutch songs about UnsraW’s members (especially Jin)(and btw, “members”… the innuendo is perfect here >D) was really rather amusing to ourselves and probably annoying to others, ha.

We were on the look-out for the band arriving for pretty much the whole time, turning it into a game. Every suspicious van that passed the venue was counted, leading up to a very high number and a lot of hilarity. Since the Magnet Club was located at a quite local street and a busy road, the stares we got were numerous. A lot of people asked us what we were doing out there in the cold, and as we explained we were waiting for a Japanese band they only gave us stranger looks. Somehow, my German got a little better during this day... In the end, we sadly never saw the band arriving, for there was a parking-space directly behind the club which you couldn’t see. We did see a van with blinded windows drive in there, so that was possibly them. After that, we still had some hours to survive, so we continued being loud and annoying, even more so after we had bought a bottle of Vodka to keep us warm.

Around 6 pm, after we had changed our clothes a last time for the concert and bought dinner, the cue really started to form. After only 50 people had been there at most, suddenly the line was expanding rapidly! We were saving our spots almost directly in front, though some people tried to skip the line. Luckily we were able to hold them back just enough when the doors opened and chaos erupted. One of my friends was in earliest and she saved spots for us on the left side of the stage, directly in front of Tetsu and Jin. I was happy to stand in front of Tetsu because I had stood there the first time in the Netherlands and in Cologne too. There was no barrier in front of the low stage so my knees were directly against it, but luckily there were boxes to hold myself onto during the head-banging. I was really excited now, though there would be an opening-act I wasn’t really looking forward too.
That act was Lord of the Lost, a German band holding some Metal/Glam-rock image with a singer in a ripped shirt and skinny jeans but with the kind of body that –just- didn’t suit that look anymore. The music wasn’t half-bad though, and they even played an amusing cover of Bad Romance. Still, I was saving my energy for UnsraW, and when Lord of the Lost left the stage, I couldn’t wait for the moment till the lights would dim and the intro-music for them would begin…

Only, it didn’t start that way! As the stage was being re-build for UnsraW we had started chatting a bit with the people around us, distracting ourselves from the stage. Suddenly a guy with interesting hair walked up to the drum-kit though, and… wait a minute. That was Sho! And barely a second later, Tetsu and Jin walked up to the stage as well, beginning to tune their own instruments. They arrived so casually barely anyone in the audience noticed them at first, until finally a few screams and squeals were heard. Tetsu seemed to be in a good mood because he instantly began teasing the crowd a little, while Jin appeared rather shy. Then Madoka also arrived, being the new face in UnsraW, and he looked really awesome in real life. After their instruments were prepared, the lights did dim a bit, and a roar rose from the crowd as finally Yuuki entered the stage, looking even scarier than I remembered. With his black hair, yellow lenses, luckily no grills this time (he doesn’t need them, he has scary teeth of his own), he glowered at the crowd at his feet before he raised his fist and chaos, once again, erupted.

They opened with -9- and immediately I felt myself let go of everything, banging my head as hard as possible, shouting from the depths of my throat. I couldn’t care I sprained a muscle at once, nor that my knees were crushed into the stage, I barely felt it. I had missed this band so much and the sensation of their music, so I was going to make any second of it intense. I soared even higher when they played Reborn next, but after that I lost track of most of the songs, at least, their titles. I still sang and head-banged with any piece I knew, while watching them on the stage. Sho was sadly not very visible, for the lights were placed behind him. The one visible at all times had to be Tetsu. From the beginning already he went to stand at the edge of the stage, directly in front of me, which wasn’t completely convenient because every time I was banging my head, I had to be careful not to knock myself against his knee or his guitar. He was very interactive with the crowd though, which was fun. Barely half-way the set-list he had already touched, squeezed, poked and even licked my hand – well, he would’ve almost licked my face if I hadn’t put my hand in between. He was also interacting with Jin a lot, who in his turn wasn’t very interactive with the crowd, sadly. Since the stage was sort of fan-shaped, Madoka had a lot more space on the right while Jin and Tetsu had to share the left, and as Tetsu stood at the edge of the stage Jin didn’t have any space to stand there too. The times he did come forward, we cheered for him just as loud but he was too shy to keep eye-contact. He only made funny faces with Tetsu, and sometimes with Madoka when he came to our side of the stage. Madoka stuck his tongue out at him and then went to stand next to Tetsu, but their cables ended up in a knot. Just when they managed to free themselves, Madoka bumped into Jin as he walked backwards and right then, Yuuki also jumped backwards from the box he was standing on and crashed right into the two. Don’t worry, no casualties. Though not as much as last year, there was also crowd-surfing this time, especially by Yuuki. At first he stayed in the middle but suddenly, he emerged from the crowd at our part, his boots appearing next to our faces! Another time, he dove half into the crowd just next to me, but his leg was pressing me aside so I had to hold onto it. He is very heavy! I noticed Sho was looking our way and I gave him a sort of “Help me!” expression which made him laugh really hard. Gee, thanks Sho. xD Madoka, Tetsu and Jin just leaned into the crowd at first (they weigh nothing compared to Yuuki, especially Jin) but they also dove in near the end. Madoka actually launched himself over the first rows! And since there were only a few rows, he’s lucky he didn’t fall on his face!

Only during MC-parts, there was a short moment of rest, but only for the body as we never stopped shouting their names, and they made us shout along just as hard. Yuuki didn’t attempt any German, only English, shouting things like “Are you ready?” and “Raise your fucking fists!”. When he whispered “Call me” we shouted his name, though actually we wanted to shout “Denwa Bango!” (phone number) because “Call me” is just asking for it. Sadly we forgot. Luckily, he also shouted his already famous catch-phrase “Show me your boobs!”, because we had a surprise for him at the signing-session.

Next to the many aggressive head-bang songs like IN THE FACT and UNDER THE SKIN they also played Gate of Death, which was beautifully eerie and intense, and Enshoku no Yume. There were also three new songs, -509-, Wine and another one which sounded really awesome. After SALIVA OF GOD and a new song they left the stage, and we immediately started shouting for the encore. They re-emerged with their tour-shirts, with especially Madoka and Sho smiling happily before taking their places again. They played BLACK OUT and Warai Oni, which is The Perfect Encore Song. They kept repeating the chorus and the crowd only got wilder, I was truly crushed into the stage now but I kept going until the final note, until it was truly over. They greeted and thanked us a last time before retreating, and completely mamed as we were we first took a moment to buy a drink and sit down. My neck hurt a lot already but I was still on a high, trembling all over from the energy, or rather the lack of it now. Then, we made our way over to another part of the building for the merchandise. I bought the tour-shirt, the DVD Screaming Birthday and a poster, after which I decided I wanted to get my DVD signed. We also had presents for Yuuki and Jin which we had hidden behind a box the entire gig, and we couldn’t wait to see their reactions.
After a while they entered the hall as well and took their place behind the merchandise-table. We were near the end of the line now but after the wait, it was our turn. I was last behind my two friends, keeping my eyes on them for they had the presents, but first I greeted Sho for he was the first in line. I gave him the DVD cover and he seemed to be fretting over where to sign, trying to utter something in English before I replied in Japanese for him, and he instantly seemed relieved, speaking in Japanese now too. I thanked him for the show and asked if he had fun too. He said it was the best, smiling brightly and shaking my hand. Next was Jin, and my friend was still standing before him as he signed her merch, and then she gave him our present: a panter-printed pillow. His eyes went all wide before he smiled and thanked her. I asked him if he had liked the live too and he also said it was great. Then we both said “kare-otsu”, which is Jin’s own way of saying “Otsukare” (good work) and he smiled some more. As I moved on to Tetsu, he worried where to put the pillow before he had a bright moment and decided to sit on it. Tetsu really surprised me, because after he had put his autograph on my DVD, he looked up at me and suddenly started speaking really fast in Japanese, saying things like “Ah, you’re Dutch!” and some other things I didn’t really catch, but apparently he recognized me from their first tour! I was completely gob smacked and only blinked back and thanked him for the show. He still seemed rather happy and even got up from his chair to take my hand and pat my shoulder, putting his face really close to mine for a moment before sitting down again. All flustered, I was still just in time to catch how my friend handed Yuuki our surprise: a rubber boob. He had to laugh really hard and so did Madoka who was sitting next to him. Immediately he put it in the top he was wearing, letting the nipple poke out and making a really funny face. Madoka was pointing at it, going “Lipservice! Lipservice!” before he slapped his shoulder and called him an idiot. As Madoka signed my DVD, I told him we’d be coming too on Friday, when they would play in Lessines. But Madoka and Yuuki both started saying, in English this time: “Friday? Oh we don’t know about Friday. Come tomorrow! Tomorrow!” That would be when they played in Poland, so that was impossible for us, but we still had to laugh and kept arguing: “No, Friday!” “No tomorrow! Promise!” Yuuki then said, and made us do a pinky-swear. We all laughed and finally said goodbye, I gave Madoka a hand and he kissed it after which I shook Yuuki’s hand and we retreated to the back of the hall.

Once outside, we stayed for a moment as we wanted to see them leave but that seemed impossible. Plus, it was still very cold and we had to get up again in just a few hours for our flight back to Amsterdam. So, we went back to the hostel, getting about 4 hours of sleep before the alarm rang again. We got dressed and left like we had come, through the darkness and cold. Berlin is a beautiful city but all we saw of it now was black, cold and rainy. It even snowed as we stepped into the airplane. This time, I did fall asleep during the flight, only waking up as we started descending over Schiphol, and the sky was getting a little lighter. The sun was out once we got into the train back home, and when I stepped into my room, I had forgotten how tired I was. I was determined to follow a class this very afternoon so I stayed up, fought to stay awake during the lecture, then got back and had dinner but now my resources were fully out. I went to bed, knowing that the next day already the adventure would repeat itself, for this time we would travel to Belgium by train to see UnsraW again. With a little smile I wondered how they’d react on seeing us again there before I was off to sleep, in my own warm bed. Bliss.

26-11 Lessines, Centre Culturel Rene Magritte, Ramen-festival with Unsraw, The Fool and Guren

Again, our adventure started the day before, after a blissful long night of sleep. We met up at the station in Leiden, and this time two more friends had joined our group so now we were with 5 people. First we traveled to Tilburg in the South, where the father of one of my friends gave us a ride in his car across the border to Belgium. Here we got on the train again, traveling for a few hours as we passed Brussels, changing trains before arriving in a place called Ath. Here we also had a hostel for the night. It was cheap but very decent, and after installing ourselves we tried to get some sleep, as we’d get up again at 4 am.
After a quick shower and the usual grooming we got on the train at 5.21, after having a problem with buying tickets but luckily no one checked us. The station of Lessines was really deserted and cold, and the village itself was very small too. Still, as we asked two people at the station for directions, they were very kind to us, even while we couldn’t speak a lot of French. People wouldn’t have been so kind in the Netherlands. We followed their directions and the little map we had ourselves, but at the end it got a little confusing where we had to go. There was nobody on the streets and it was still pitch-dark. A railway was running through and next to the village, and just as we crossed it the bell started ringing that a train was coming, so we darted across it screaming. What a wake-up-call. Finally, we followed a road right next to the railway, towards a really deserted looking building which turned out to be the venue! And luckily, we were the first ones there!

It was nearly 6 am when we installed ourselves in front of the door. It was less cold than in Berlin, for there was less wind, but obviously it wouldn’t be long before we’d get colder. After just a little while a car drove up to the building, and an elder lady stepped outside, looking at us quite confused. We just smiled and greeted her as she passed us, asking us if we were here for the concert. We said yes, and she still seemed quite surprised but amused as she opened the door, and then invited us inside! We couldn’t believe it. Confused, we followed her inside, and she put on the lights so we could see the hall with the stage already, all empty. It was nice and warm inside, and she told us we could wait here. We were out of our minds with happiness! We danced through the empty hall, climbed up the stage and looked out across the floor, imagining how UnsraW would stand there later. The nice lady even brought us coffee and tea. It was the most incredible start of an even more incredible day.

As the hours passed, some more people arrived whom were also let inside the building. It was just like camping, only comfortably inside. We did number people’s hands so later there wouldn’t be any problem with the line hopefully. More people working at the venue arrived too, looking at us curiously but not minding us at all. They started setting up the stage and clearing the hall. Only when it was already past noon, we were friendly asked to go outside because the bands would be arriving soon. We were allowed to store our bags in a closed shed and then we installed ourselves in front of a different door on the other end of the building. From here you could look inside on the entrance-hall, so we wondered what we’d be seeing. Before though, we left the line to check whether we could see the bands arriving, and within moments they did! At least, I just missed a few members of UnsraW getting out but I did see Tetsu and Jin who waved at us before going in. From another van, the members of The Fool were getting out and entering as well. We went back to the doors and sat there, amusing ourselves by watching some bandmembers walk by. We saw Jin, wearing the gayest shirt ever (seriously). Like this, we tried to survive the cold for the last hours, but it was pretty severe. We were really tired too. Still, as the time of the door’s opening drew nearer, we got some energy back. We wondered if the other people waiting would be co-operative, because usually even numbers don’t work that well. But this time, we asked for the people to line up, and they did without any problem! Everyone stayed in a neat line till the doors opened, and there wasn’t even any pushing. We were led inside the entrance-hall, waiting in front of the door to the main hall for a bit longer till we were led inside. I could just calmly walk to the stage, and claim my spot in front of Tetsu again. This time, there were fences in front of the stage, but since the hall had tiled floor it was easy to move the fence, especially as more people started leaning against it. It didn’t take long before Guren themselves climbed the stage to tune their own instruments, after which they started playing. They weren’t as bad as I expected but still their timing was very off.

However, they were cut off quite abruptly because of the schedule, for which I felt kind of sorry for them. Luckily, they got their official announcement and thank-you afterwards, as The Fool was announced. They too tuned their own instruments on the stage, at least Taka and Goo did, leaving for a short while before re-appearing with Gunji. He looked really tired and pissed-off, but luckily his mood was very bright during the live. He did his best for the energetic show and was really cute talking to the crowd, especially as he tried speaking French. Taka and Goo had to introduce themselves in French too, much to Gunji’s hilarity, but they weren’t half-bad. I told Gunji his pronunciation was good and he thanked me with his cute “Merci!” and blew me a kiss.

It was my first time seeing The Fool and I wasn’t really familiar with their music but they were a lot of fun, great to warm you up before UnsraW. I jumped and headbanged a bit even before they left the stage, after having played longer than their scheduled 30 minutes. This time though, it merely took a few minutes before the lights did dim and with their intro-song blasting from the speakers, we clapped our hands and shouted as UnsraW entered the stage one by one. It had only been days since I had seen them, and yet I was out of my mind again. Maybe because this time I knew it would be the last, I gave it my absolute all. They started again with -9- and Reborn, their set-list quite the same from Berlin but that didn’t matter much to me. It was still sad they didn’t play Karma nor GUILTY, but they certainly played the other songs that suited them so perfectly and truly drove the crowd wild here too.

Within seconds, the fences had been pushed against the stage because of the people head-banging and leaning against it. Yuuki used the opportunity to put his foot on the edge, but as soon as he moved back, the security-guards pushed the fences back again. This was repeated numerous times because the fences would just keep sliding forth. UnsraW didn’t seem to mind though; Yuuki and Madoka even made a sport out of pulling the fences closer again after the guards had just pushed them back! There was a lot of interaction during this live too. Jin was even a little less shy than in Berlin, though he still mainly goofed with Tetsu and also Sho. Tetsu was being his cool cocky self and Madoka jumped around on his half a lot, visiting my side a few times too. Yuuki just couldn’t stop pouring and spitting water over the middle rows, luckily sparing me but one of our friends was completely drenched afterwards. It would’ve been nice if he had actually handed out some water, because this time I was truly becoming drained from exhaustion and lack of food. Still, I held on to the very end, screaming with them, jumping with them, trying to lift them as they dove into the crowd. Yuuki didn’t attempt a suicide-drop on our side but did lean into the crowd, just like Tetsu and Jin did eventually. When Madoka tried it, he held his guitar back but nearly hit me in the face with the neck. And again, after playing SALIVA OF GOD and their new song Wine, they left the stage for us to shout them back and did so with again BLACK OUT and Warai Oni. Just like last time, blissful chaos until the final note. I was completely spent, but euphoric. Jin surprised us a last time by first walking away, then suddenly turning and diving into the crowd after all. Go Jin.

Now, we had a last signing to look forward to. We had brought more gifts this time; a sparkly red license-plate with UNSRAW on it for Tetsu, Chocolate letters (a Dutch treat) for Jin, being the J, I and N, and also chocolate cigarettes. For Madoka we had underpants, for he hadn’t been part of the “Dutch tradition” as he hadn’t been there the previous time, with texts written over it. The main joke was of course with his name, the Kanji being the same for Yen, so there was “1 Yen/1 Hour” written on the front. Plus, I had a warm winter hat for Sho. We got in line and when it was my turn, Yuuki signed the photo-set I had bought and I told him: “I said it didn’t I? Friday!” and he smiled and said he remembered that. I thanked him and shook his hand before moving to Madoka, who seemed like he tried to tell me something before he wrote on his photo “For cute!!” and gave it to me. “Because you are cute!” he said with his heavy accent. That made me laugh, and I thanked him, asking him to come back to the Netherlands next time. He promised, and we made a pinky-swear on that. Next I saw how Tetsu just received the license-plate, and especially Madoka reacted very enthusiastically. I gave Tetsu his photo and thanked him too, then gave him a packet of chocolate cigarettes. We told neither of them they were actually chocolate, so we wonder how they’ll find out. Tetsu also shook my hand and I saw he had written on his photo “Oranda ikuyo” (we’ll come to the Netherlands). High on happiness, I moved on to Jin, who had already received a chocolate J, and after I had congratulated him with his birthday I gave him the letter I. He seemed to get the joke now and he laughed a bit, shaking my hand. As last, I gave Sho his photo, meanwhile presenting the hat to him, telling him he should use it because Moscow was very cold. He thanked me enthusiastically and immediately put it on, though since his hair was still styled it didn’t quite fit. The row was nearly at its end now, and many people were taking pictures with them, but we hadn’t asked. My friend had a camera though, and since I knew this would be a wasted opportunity, I persuaded her to take pictures with them. So we got in line again, but Yuuki didn’t seem to mind. My two friends and I took pictures with them all in turn, standing around a bit longer until they finally got up, saying their goodbyes and leaving.

Now we had to be worried about another thing; how were we going to survive the night? It had started snowing during the live and since we were in a small village, there was no more way for us to get home or even to another town. We had prepared ourselves to spend the night outside, but to our amazement, the people from the venue offered for us to spend the night there! We could wait inside, though we went outside for a moment to wave the bands goodbye as they left. Then, we helped the staff move a bunch of chairs and tables from a hall back into the main hall. They had re-arranged the stage so we could sleep on it. They even re-heated the meal for us that the bands hadn’t finished. We only had a few hours till the first trains, but it was lovely and warm inside and as soon as I lied back on the part where moments before Sho had performed, I was out.

The first time I slept on a stage, wow. No wonder I was completely disorientated when my friend woke me again, but it certainly had been bliss. As we stepped out into the cold, snowy morning I was so glad we had been able to sleep there. A long journey was still ahead of us and I was frozen to the bone, but I still don’t regret a second of anything. It was a true adventure.

In the words of Madoka: UNFxxingSRAW. Let’s hope they come back soon.
Sexual Fighter
Sexual Fighter

Aantal berichten : 101
Registratiedatum : 15-06-10

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UnsraW? - Pagina 11 Empty Re: UnsraW?

Bericht van Karisu do dec 02, 2010 12:27 am

P.S. Sorry voor de tekst-vervuiling O_O;; I'm shocked too.

Als het echt niet fijn is mag je het weggooien en dan post ik het wel op Deviantart ofzo en zet ik de link hier instead ^^;

Anyway, yeah je leest het wel, ik mis ze zo hard. <3
Sexual Fighter
Sexual Fighter

Aantal berichten : 101
Registratiedatum : 15-06-10

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UnsraW? - Pagina 11 Empty Re: UnsraW?

Bericht van Dewdrop vr dec 03, 2010 12:55 am

HOLY CRAP MELIS 8D JIJ HIER 8D ...nou wel terug blijven komen hea? T_T;

anyway, awesome review maar hallo waanzinnig lang <3

Aantal berichten : 1624
Registratiedatum : 04-06-10
Leeftijd : 32
Woonplaats : Amstelveen

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UnsraW? - Pagina 11 Empty Re: UnsraW?

Bericht van Sake-chan zo dec 05, 2010 12:04 am

MELI!!!! JE POST!!!!!!!!!!!! 8DDD


Aantal berichten : 2196
Registratiedatum : 03-06-10
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UnsraW? - Pagina 11 Empty Re: UnsraW?

Bericht van Karisu ma dec 06, 2010 8:24 pm

W00t hij is niet verwijderd *cheer* xD

thanks guys! ^^ en nu proberen terug te blijven komen :") oh dear xD
Sexual Fighter
Sexual Fighter

Aantal berichten : 101
Registratiedatum : 15-06-10

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UnsraW? - Pagina 11 Empty Re: UnsraW?

Bericht van Dewdrop ma dec 06, 2010 9:01 pm

Nieuwe startpagina? 8D

Aantal berichten : 1624
Registratiedatum : 04-06-10
Leeftijd : 32
Woonplaats : Amstelveen

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